PPrreeppaarree ddeeffiinniittiivveellyy..
Self-introductions and interview responses are the mirror of your career. Above all, you must be able to speak clearly and accurately.
PPrraaccttiiccee aass iiff iitt''ss tthhee rreeaall ddeeaall..
Practice real interview situations without pressure, together with unlimited AI mock interviews.

PPrreeppaarree ddeeffiinniittiivveellyy..
Self-introductions and interview responses are the mirror of your career. Above all, you must be able to speak clearly and accurately.

PPrraaccttiiccee aass iiff iitt''ss tthhee rreeaall ddeeaall..
Practice real interview situations without pressure, together with unlimited AI mock interviews.
I'm busy with work.. but why English??
If you're happy with adequacy, you don't need English.
But if you want more opportunities in your career path, English is a must.
From academia to business, all information is published and popularized in English.
Proficiency in English is essential if you want to work at global companies.
Your customers should be the 8 billion people worldwide.
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Create Your Own Interview Scripts
Create and practice your own English interview scripts with unlimited AI feedback and translation.
Download Recorded Audio Files
Download your recorded answers as mp3 files and check your English pronunciation with real-time voice recognition technology.
Real-time AI Feedback
No need to wait for the instructor. Ask the AI tutor anytime, anywhere, and receive instant responses.
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